
Community Prevention Initiative: Cannabis Parent Update Brochure

Community Prevention Initiative’s Cannabis Parent Update Brochure provides parents and guardians information regarding current developments of cannabis and the effects on teen development.

CannaBASICS 101 in Spanish

Understanding the 2019 Cannabis/Marijuana Laws of California in Spanish

CannaBASICS 101 in English

Understanding the 2019 Cannabis/Marijuana Laws of California in English

CannaBASICS 101 in Khmer

Understanding the 2019 Cannabis/Marijuana Laws of California in Khmer

Health Impact Assessment: Health Equity Implications of Retail Cannabis Regulation in LA County

This Health Impact Assessment (HIA) is in response to a Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors (Board) motion requesting that the LA County Department of Public Health (DPH) assess the potential health equity implications of allowing licensed cannabis dispensaries to operate within the county’s unincorporated areas.

NIDA: Marijuana: Facts Parents Need to Know Brochure

Why do young people use marijuana? This NIDA brochure informs parents and guardians on the frequently asked questions about youth and marijuana use.

NIDA: Marijuana Facts for Teens

This resource provided by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) allows for teens to get informed and become confident in sharing the information about marijuana with peers, parents and teachers.

LA County’s Department of Public Health SAPC: Impact of Marijuana Use Data Brief

The brief published by the LA County Department of Public Health’s Substance Abuse Prevention and Control Department details the impacts of marijuana use throughout LA County.

Marijuana Use and Public Perceptions in Los Angeles County

The Community Needs Assessment (CNA) was a community wide effort to address the current data gap for smaller regions, specific topics, and underrepresented demographic groups related to marijuana use and associated problems and perceptions, and to identify disparities and potential risk or protective factors to target communities in Los Angeles County (LAC).

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